
[GBF] Fiorito (Holiday) Showcase - Magna Luchador

No matter how much you try to escape her, you somehow always find your way back to summer Zooey.

0:00 3 Turn Skip (no Nier field echoes)
1:55 Less than 3 Turn Skip (Nier field echoes)
3:49 Battle Logs

Fiorito is an interesting unit and pretty strong for what she does. For starters, she's very much catered to magna Dark grids; specifically, Celeste Claw enmity grids as her skill 1 has boosted specs and grants a random assortment of up to 6 buffs depending on the number of fists in the grid (caps at 6). I like this a little more than her Earth version's similar passive hurting all the damage in her kit if she's not packing the fist requirements; it's also a lot easier to meet in Dark.

She's a very selfish attacker, much like Seox and Meg, with very little utility which is a downside. On the other hand, she seems pretty much tailored to fit as the other DPS slot on the traditional magna Dark racing comp featuring the old queen summer Zooey, Nier for the def down debuff, Rei, and Predator brought in by a Rei switch. Predator specifically is a perfect partner for Fiorito, as Predator's s2 eating her own HP grants Predator some Bulk stacks from Fiorito's passive, granting her some additional Atk, Def and Cap Up which are always nice to have.

At the moment, I don't see myself using Fiorito much outside of racing as she's very heavily enmity reliant which is really hard to pull off when running her alongside Dark's heaviest hitters of Lich and Fediel. She pretty much has to be glued to summer Zooey to get the most out of her kit, but she's still strong as a racing alternative to Seox 150 or Meg.

All that being said, if you wanted to, you could also run Fiorito as a backline character and use Splitting Spirit as a subskill for MC as this will trigger the passive to give MC a Bulk stack every few turns. That's something worth considering at least for general content.





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