00:00 - Start
02:13 - 10 Debuff
03:44 - 60 Hits
06:44 - 75%
12:23 - 50%
14:05 - 12 Skills
18:12 - 3,333,333 plain DMG
24:29 - 10%
Strat:Vira gains substitute&Feower extends it→MC use DMG Cut&DMG Mitigation→MC Ougi&Substitute→Repeat.
Within 50%, use 250lv Luci stone when MC use DMG cut&DMG mitigation to avoid buff invalidation (I forgot to use it at 2% in the video and almost failed).
Make sure Vira doesn't gain substitute before 10%.
By the way, it will fail if the omen in 6T is 60hits. And if you can't solve the omen of 10 debuffs, you will fail the same.
BGM:《オクトパス トラベラー2》OST——【OCTOPATH TRAVELER II メインテーマ】、【背中を押して】、【きぼうの唄】、【トト・ハハ島 -夜-】、【悠久の遺跡】、【剣士ヒカリのテーマ】、 【決戦2】、 【王道を求めて】