MH is Kanabo, free nukes is always welcomed. Opus uses echo key. Swap Mandjet with fan if you have it.
EDIT: Vampy/Lich also works on 4th slot. Be sure to not get caught into the second 3 debuff skill omen by timing your turns. MC's health should be good as you dont want to consume the perma buff.
Personally I find Vampy to be better. My rotation is generally like this, it depends on where you land next turn so adjust/pot if needed:
T1: Ewi3 Monkey23
T2: Vampy12 MC123 Attack
T3: Aliza3 Attack
T4: Vampy3 MC4 Ewi1 Attack
T5: Wait 75 Attack
T6: MC1 Attack
T7: Attack
T8: Wait 50 Vampy1 Ewi1 MC1 Attack
T9 onwards : Attack
Also this is the first time I edit videos on my phone yes my battery is low im not bothered properly recording it since its just to showcase a few people.