
【グラブル】天元たる六色の理 格安 光ヤマト /【GBF】Hexachromatic Hierarch Farmable Grid Light Yamato Luci x Zeus

Updated grid for a non-Cosmos Harp option. Cosmos Daggers compensate the CA Cap somewhat, but Cosmos Harp is still better because of how good it is single sided.

- Feel free to hold on Fed/Luwoh first phase if your MC starts getting too low. Don't press Yuni1 or Ougi on her, and call Zeus whenever possible. The DoT does 10k per turn.
- Qilin can be used early for emergency omen cancel or no Vira1 for 40%.
- Guard MC + Yuni during post40% push, they shouldn't take any dmg with Zeus shield up.

- Mishra is really good for Cosmos survivability so we can cut some grid garrison for more non-enmity dmg.
- Refer to the old video for how to play without Mishra, https://youtu.be/dJ8yMRB2-zI
- Lunalu can substitute for Mishra to tank first 3 turns .
- Geisenborger sk4 still not necessary, just helps post40 dmg a lot.

- The ATK Cosmos Daggers are mainly there as a CA Cap weapon with better raw than Ennead Katanas, and the NA Cap helps Geisenborger.
- 2nd Yuni Harp replaces Militis Harp.
- Cosmos Harp replaces Militis Harp if no 2nd Yuni Harp, replaces Magna1 Harp if has 2nd Yuni Harp.
- Draconic replaces Bahamut Weapon.
- Use Vira13 for 4TA, no need to get grid TA but I have the Ultima MA key for other comps.

- Baha250 can be replaced with Metatron or any other summon that can do 2mil on call
- Subaura can be Luwoh (0* works) or Heimdallr or Artemis or Sandalphon (Doesn't stack with Artemis)
- We don't need Alex/Gojo at all since Vira1 or Geisen2 tanks 40% for free.

0:00 Raid
16:43 Battle Log/Awakening/EMP/Grid Alternatives
18:05 Comparing Estimates for Old Grid Changes







使う時は慎重に。勢い× 第一優先度最強/第二優先度周回/第三優先度高難易度/第四優先度その他 00:00 OP 00:52 フルンティング 01:50 エレシュキガル 03:00 ロムフェーヤ 03:52 フレズヴェルク 04:44 温羅面金色之装 05:38 黒漆太刀 06:26 布都御魂 07:27 ゾーシモス 08:12 晩蝉 09:05 凱風絶刀 10:15 アンドロメダ 10:46 ムルシエラゴ 11:14 ED 日課 各自発・救援の動画作っているのでぜひ! マシュマロの質問大募集してます! ぜ ...



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