An alternative for people without Catura.
This is close to worst case scenario 60% apples, we can go much faster with good apples.
Without Yatima + S.Mandrake, we can either 000 for [10 debuffs] or guard it and slot in healing summons like Luci/Nobiyo or shield summons like Zeus/Colossus.
We can clear all [66 hits], [6 ougi], [12 skills] without Qilin. Qilin is used mainly for Charlotta1 healing, but if you can save it for 20% then save it.
Siete Swords can stay ATK15 if you don't have ATK20.
Sagacity opus is possible if we can guarantee Katz TA using summons like Owlcat. We would MC Triple Strike for 95% 4TA, Owlcat for 80% 4TA.
0:00 Start
2:43 80%
5:00 60%
10:03 20%
13:24 Battle Log
満潮 - Sally
不思議なWonderland - Sally
gun~群~ - Sally
#GBF #スパルシ #ルシゼロ #グラブル