
【グラブル】スパルシ(ルシゼロ) 両面ゼウス 光マナダイバー アガスティアダブル /【GBF】Dark Rapture Zero Zeus Light Manadiver (Agastia)

- Agastia Manatura lets us run ougi comps on manadiver.
- I prefer Seruel over Nehan because I value omen clearing more than ougi looping, and Overtrance + Wild Magica helps us for [60 hits] and 20-0%.
- Slightly higher damage than Kengo in my experience, but with faster time because we do less ougis.
- Because Magna Light has no way of accessing skill damage boosts via M3 and World Harps, I am unsure if this is a viable setup for Magna.
- This may not be the best setup for Agastia Manatura, but it's something safe that I've settled on.

If Only 1 Red Apple on non-MC, and MC has no red apple:
Use Red Apple + Wild Magica for [6 Attacks]

If No Red Apple, or red skills unavailable:
Cancel using 000 or Guard if you don't own 000.

With Cosmos3:
MC Ougi(12+1) + Cosmos 31212(14) + Cosmos Ougi(14) + Horus Ougi(3+3) + Seruel Ougi (1+10) + CB(1) + Any Summon Call(1) = 60 hits

With Overtrance + Wild Magica, No Cosmos3:
MC Wild Magica(1) + MC Ougi(13+13) + Cosmos Ougi(14) + Horus Ougi(3+3) + Seruel Ougi(1+10) + CB(1) + Any Summon Call(1) = 60 hits

MC Ougi(12+1) + Cosmos Ougi(14) + Horus Ougi(3+3) + Seruel Ougi(1+10) = 44 hits

For fast runs, using Overtrance + Wild Magica on [60 hits] is advisable because we should be 25-30% Boss HP when we clear 60 hits. This means we can Qilin after 20% and use our 2nd Wild Magica during Overtrance's 6T duration.

I am using SPEC20 Cosmos Dagger because I don't have a 2nd Harmonia, you can use ATK20 or DEF20 if you have 2 Harmonias.

0:00 Start
2:27 80%
4:09 60%
8:40 20%
11:17 Battle Logs

おてもと - lo sono crudele
Septed of Carnival - MiYAMO
オリエンタルダークフライト - Bizen
interlude -8-00pm- - Sou

#GBF #スパルシ #ルシゼロ #グラブル





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【グラブル】スパルシ(ルシゼロ) 両面ゼウス 光マナダイバー アガスティアダブル /【GBF】Dark Rapture Zero Zeus Light Manadiver (Agastia)

- Agastia Manatura lets us run ougi comps on manadiver. - I prefer Seruel over Nehan because I value omen clearing more than ougi looping, and Overtrance + Wild Magica helps us for [60 hits] and 20-0%. - Slightly higher damage than Kengo in my experience, ...




7:00 9t目HP50%詐術突破 13:38 HP5%レメゲトン 14:24 18t目討伐 ※動画内5%レメゲトン予測被ダメ×46,250→〇47,250 運 ゲ ー 根 絶 黒漆陰陽師の水土混成特殊フルオートソロ編成 敵を無力化しつつ詐術を確定突破、固定オバチェループで確定ターン討伐 特に早くもないが詐術にかからず管理しやすいのが利点。 1でもHPがブレると成立しないのでRankカンストかつキャラ武器の状態を維持しないと日課に使いにくいのが難点。 【必要要件】 ・メイン[黒漆太刀] ・フレ石[片面カグ ...




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