
【グラブル】ムゲンHL 無課金 神銃エクス・アンタイオス レリバ /【GBF】Mugen HL F2P Exo Gun Relic Buster 4m honor

EDIT: I made a mistake in my rotation. It's possible to start with 3 Blitz 〉Erika 1 〉MC 1 〉Qilin 〉Haas 3 〉3 Blitz 〉MC 1 〉3 Blitz 〉Erika 1 so that we can use 6 Blitz on Full Moon instead of only 3 Blitz. I lost 70k x 3 = 210k honors in the video.

- 4mil honors with S.Belial no echo roll.

- Beelzebub, Zeta Sk1, and Haas Sk1 all have to be cast before 70% or they will not land.

- Because of the volatility of Mugen entry dmg with and without debuffs, you should only base your hp around undebuffed Mugen, and only try this in co-op rooms since you cannot join late and still do damage. You need to adjust your team HP accordingly to sac properly, I recommend using your daily 4 trials on Mugen until it works.

- Mugen Phase 1 only does single attacks

- All characters mandatory except Juliet, which can be swapped with Korwa who is better but I don't own.
- Awakening and EMP are all variable because everyone has different ring HP and slightly different grid, just make sure S.Lucio and Juliet/Korwa survive entry with less than 10k hp and they die by turn 2.

- ULB Moon Wep required.
- ULB Justice Wep can be replaced with ATK Murg or ATK Ball, the extra slot would use Militis Gun and you would have to adjust grid HP accordingly.
- In Terms of HP gain: DEF Revan 〉Baha 〉Cosmic 〉Spec Exo Gun.
- Ultima is on Seraphic, Opus is on Double Strike.
- You can slot your umbrellas if you have them.

- Wamdus summon can be Justice which gives more HP

0:00 Setting up Turn 1
0:49 Waiting for 70%
1:25 Setting up Turn 2
3:00 Bursting Turn 2
4:11 Waiting for end of raid
4:30 End of Raid & Battle Logs
5:02 Frontline EMP/Awakening/Ring/Earrings







Tシャツ再販中! https://yomogii.booth.pm/ よろしければチャンネル登録・高評価よろしくお願いします! 【チャンネル登録】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRCMp2mFx40FKcfxtjXIr8Q?sub_confirmation=1 【twitter】 Tweets by yomogimochikoo 【twitch】 https://www.twitch.tv/yomogii_ 【メンバー登録】 https://www.youtube.c ...



【グラブル】シャトラなし グランデHL 1召喚攻撃 デバフなしでどこでも青箱確定【GBF】Grande HL Full Auto Gold Brick Collecting Party

0:00 OP 0:12 25% デバフなし 132万 1:09 100% デバフなし 136万 2:06 ED アガスティア・ダブルの使い所です。 アガスティア二度とやりたくない。 ご視聴ありがとうございます。 たまに動画上げてます。 質問など気軽にコメントくれると凄く喜びます。 良ければチャンネル登録、高評価お願いします。 twitter Tweets by hoshimiya1467 メンバーシップはココから! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbNeUGA_MAK ...



【風古戦場】片面カグヤ 肉集め 3500万 0ポチ【グラブル】




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