
SUBHL Solo Magna Water with FLB Haaselia (スパバハ ソロ 水マグナ ルミナスなし 最終ハーゼリーラ)

0:00 - start
1:30 - 20M Skill / 20,000,000アビダメ
4:11 - 10 debuffs / 弱体効果10回
6:42 - 20M CA / 20,000,000奥義ダメ

7:22 - 75%
9:29 - 60 hits / 60ヒット

12:56 - 51%
14:36 - 3.3M plain / 3,333,333無属性ダメージ
17:06 - CA 6 times / 奥義6回
19:38 - Use 12 skills / アビリティ12回

22:46 - 10%

27:00 - grid/emps

Haaselia getting her FLB revolutionised Water almost as much as FLB Caim did for Earth. She's great in both burst content and endgame content, and it really shows in how much easier the Water SUBHL solo is now.

FLB Haaselia's ca reactivation removed the big problem with the full chain loop, which was getting your FC rotation desynced. This was usually caused by Vajra's charge bar being lowered by a C.A. reactivation proc or needing to use her S3. It didn't matter as much in Mugen HL since that raid does a lot less damage, but in SUBHL you really need a consistent rotation in order to survive. Now that Haaselia always ougis twice, you will always get at least 50% FC meter per turn. Before FLB you needed Shishio for this comp but now just using Kaneshige is enough.

After Vajra's Loyalty Eternal buff reaches stack 3 you just do the standard rotation where you spam Haaselia S3 twice every turn. You don't really need to do much decision making on a turn by turn basis, so it's a lot easier to play especially in post 50%/phase 2. In contrast, using Maria FLB as your mitigation support requires you to carefully manage your mitigation sources and manage your summon calls to cancel damage omens in phase 2.

I'm using the same strategy from my previous solo where I intentionally take the max hp capped debuff so the light tenet burn damage is lower and the revitalise effect from Lucifer can outheal it. A slight difference is since I'm not using Maria I have to get guts from a Titan call instead.

The previous solo has more in depth explanations if you want to understand my general water strategy. (https://youtu.be/m-gKpsjMh7g) I think this solo with Haaselia is a lot more straightforward in comparison so it's a lot easier to understand what's going on.

It's pretty sad that FLB Maria is just basically dead now since there's no longer any reason to get her for SUBHL. You can just get Haaselia and actually have an all round great character instead of a unit that doesn't really have any niche anymore.




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